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                The Holy Spirit is calling you to inherit stars and planets; to reign over worlds! And your appearance will shine reflecting the glory of God, nations will marvel, and you shall rule forever. Kingdoms of worlds and peoples Jesus Christ is handing you. Plus an invitation to escape the coming nuclear holocaust in company with those who shall never die! For in the Bible it is foretold; that in the end times Christians would vanish from earth, and be caught away by Jesus to glory before this planet was devastated in a war by fire, and littered with dead.
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Document first published on the web, April 2016
                The Holy Spirit is calling you to inherit stars and planets; to reign over worlds! And your appearance will shine reflecting the glory of God, nations will marvel, and you shall rule forever. Kingdoms of worlds and peoples Jesus Christ is handing you. Plus an invitation to escape the coming nuclear holocaust in company with those who shall never die! For in the Bible it is foretold; that in the end times Christians would vanish from earth, and be caught away by Jesus to glory before this planet was devastated in a war by fire, and littered with dead.
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No. 1 Sign We're Living In The End Times       Yet there remains in the Bible prophecies foretelling of the Messiah’s other coming as a mighty conquering King to deliver Israel from its enemies, and establish God’s holy kingdom over the earth. An event Christians refer to as the 2nd coming of Christ.            In Jesus' time Israel was divided into three main provinces known as Judea, Samaria, and Galilee (collectively called in this writing by its Roman name Judaea, or as Israel). The Jewish nation had been subjected under Roman rule since 63 BC, when Italian armies under General Pompey seized control of Judaea during military campaigns in Asia Minor. Later in history, sparked by violent uprisings in the Jewish provinces, the might of imperial Rome was unleashed against Judaea in two wars.      The first major insurrection occurred from 66 to 73 AD, and resulted in the destruction of several Jewish cities and settlements including Jerusalem, and termination of all Jewish civil authority in Israel. Another large scale rebellion broke out in Judaea lasting from 132 to 135 AD. This time the Romans practically depopulated the land of its Jewish inhabitants. The vast majority of whom were either permitted to escape to Egypt on ships where they could not find employment (fulfilling Deuteronomy 28:68), killed in the revolt, or taken prisoner and sold off as slaves.       So it was that Israel’s destruction was accomplished by the invincible Roman legions after the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth in fulfillment of scripture. But the very next time Israel became a nation, this would be the signal in Biblical prophecy the end times have arrived. A reality that has materialized in our time.       Indeed much of the media coverage of the present day news focuses on Israel and the situation in the Middle East. A trouble spot on the map the Bible predicted would propel the global powers toward Armageddon. And one can now underline the very reason as to why this would be on the world’s unquenchable thirst for oil.      So watch the Middle East. And even the complete world scene, especially in its relationship to that part of the world, and what course present day events force  world history to follow. For it is flowing in precise harmony with prophecies of the Bible recorded centuries ago.        Now moving further backwards in Israel’s history to the time of the Hebrew prophet Daniel during an earlier Jewish captivity in exile. Brought about after God had stepped aside and allowed the conquering armies of Babylon to invade Israel (then called Judah), filling the land with death and destruction. This Babylonian invasion and conquest having occurred some 600 years before the birth of Christ.
The Babylonian Conquest
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Having come to a point where, because of the unrepentant wickedness of Jewish society, God could no longer legally protect the land and people of Judah from Satan. Who, having surrendered themselves over to pagan idolatries, occult practices, sexual immorality, and corruption in high places, had forsaken the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and ridiculed his prophets. Among them Isaiah and Jeremiah. Much of whose prophetic warnings relate to that era.        >>>  Concerning Judah: After King Solomon died Israel was split into two separate nations, each governed by its own king. The northern kingdom -- containing ten of the twelve tribes -- retained the name Israel and its Hebrew citizens remained nationally identified as Israelites. The southern kingdom, where primarily the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were located, was renamed Judah and its Hebrew residents -- including immigrants from the other tribes -- were identified as Judahites or Judeans. Jews for short. A name that had gone from tribal designation to signifying national identity.       After the split the northern kingdom became overwhelmingly immersed in paganism, causing many who wished to remain faithful to God to leave their ancient tribal homelands in Israel and resettle in Judah. Later Assyria conquered Israel and only the southern kingdom remained. Eventually the kingdom of Judah followed Israel's example and suffered the same consequences. Afterwards the term ‘Jew’ would take on a broader application being used for both ethnic identification and religious affiliation. (Today all blood descendants of Jacob through their mother, and converts to Judaism, are classified as Jews). >>>      And so Babylon overpowered Judah, leading away captive the Jews who had survived the assault back to Babylon. Finalizing the conquest some twenty years later by destroying Jerusalem and Solomon’s magnificent Temple (2 Chronicles 36:14-21; Jeremiah 52; Ezekiel chs. 4-24).              During the Babylonian captivity Gabriel, the great archangel, was sent by God to appear before the prophet Daniel living in exile in Babylon. (Now the appearance of these supernatural beings called angels, as claimed by those who have reportedly seen them in visions, are usually described as seven foot plus bronzed or tanned young men of muscular appearance who radiate the light of heaven’s glory. In fact it was angels, operatong under divine supervision or empowerment, who after their own image and likeness sculptured Adam from the dust -- lit. the red clay soil -- of the earth).
490 Year Period & Timeline Correction
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Visiting the prophet, Gabriel revealed to him in Daniel 9:24-27 that his people the Jews, in connection with their holy city Jerusalem, had exactly 70 weeks [of 490 years left)] until the bringing in of everlasting blessing.        Now this allotted 490 year period would not be set into motion until the time the commandment was given to allow the Jewish people to restore [the authority of Mosaic law from] Jerusalem (as was done in 458 BC, whose fulfillment is recorded in Ezra ch 7 & 8:36). From that point it would take -- 7 weeks (or 49 years) to rebuild the city, followed by another 62 weeks (or 434 years) adding up to 69 weeks or -- 483 years until the appearance of the promised Messiah into Jerusalem to present himself as Israel’s king, riding on the colt of a donkey according to Zechariah 9:9. An event that took place in the year 33 AD       Begin at 458 BC and count down 483 years. Through normal subtraction 483 (years) - 458 (BC) = 25 (AD). Since there was no inclusion of a year zero in dividing the era’s before and after Christ’s birth, a straight count would go directly to 26 AD instead. This shows our present day calendar is in error of an extra seven years that were added on to the lifespan and reign of Augustus Caesar, the first Emperor of Rome. The mistake came when Herod’s death was listed as occurring in 4 BC instead of 4 AD.  4 BC - 7 years closer our current year (3 BC, 2 BC, 1 BC, 1AD, 2 AD, 3 AD) = 4AD. click/touch                                       S         So based on our current year what happened in 458 BC actually occurred in 451 BC. And a major clue involving outer space activities bares this out.       It is historically projected that a spectacular comet blazed over Rome in either 18 BC (the year most commonly noted) or in 19 BC. World accounts accurately reports a highly visible comet did streak across the earth’s skies in August, 12 BC with the return of Halley’s comet. Apparently it didn’t make an overwhelming impression on the Romans, except it supposedly appeared during the funeral of a famous Roman general Marcus Agrippa that occurred in March, not August.       But another comet did appear in March-April, 5 BC. But there are no collaborating world accounts to support any sighting of comet activity in 19 or 18 BC, much less the one described by the Romans. And the ancient Chinese were very diligent to record such heavenly phenomena.       Of coarse, considering the subject matter under review, this riddle is not that hard to solve. The mystery comet of 18 BC the Romans saw was actually Halley’s comet in 12 BC. And the death and funeral of Marcus Agrippa occurred in 5 BC.        In the sixth century, less then 100 years after the collapse of the Roman Empire in the west, a Catholic scholar and monk named Dionysius /die-ah-knee-see-yis or die-ah-nish-cious/ revised the timeline of the Julian calendar.
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BC comet associated with General Agrippa’s funeral, and events related to Christ's birth in 2 BC, which stay fixed in place. (The reason for this is the number of years separating our current date from the birth of Jesus is correct, off by only a few months at most. While Halley's comet is seen from earth like clockwork every 76 years or so during its trek around the sun).        Timeline correction_b) If the chronology of events dated B.C., stay the same instead, including Herod’s death in 4 BC, then events dated A.D., happened seven years earlier then the history books record, subtracting seven years from our current date. Sightings of Halley's comet in 12 BC and all appearances before that, the 5 BC comet, and birth of Christ also get pushed back seven years. Any crossover count of revised dates would go directly from 1 BC to 1 AD or 1 AD to 1 BC omitting the zero.         (Unless otherwise indicated, the listing of historical dates are based on the status quo. A major exception is the period from the destruction of Nineveh to the destruction of the first Jewish temple. History books and websites generally date this period from 612 to 586 BC, pushing back this specific timeframe only five years instead of seven. This writing fixes that error, and reveals Nebuchadnezzar became King of Babylon in 607 BC instead of 605 BC, and the Jews were held in captivity for over 70 years, not 69).       Jesus was born in the Hebrew calendar year 3760. The feast of trumpets marks the Jewish New Year. Using timeline_a to determine Christ's birth. The year 3760 began sundown August 29th, 2 BC, and ended at sundown September 15th, 1 BC. It's widely assumed Jesus was 33½ years old when he was executed.       This would place his birth on October 1st, 2 BC. On October 1st, 32 AD Jesus turned 33 years old. Six months later, on Nisan 14th, 3793 of the Hebrew calendar, Jesus died on the cross. According to the Gregorian calendar, this happened Friday April 1st, 33 AD. On the third day Jesus arose from out among the dead. And, reuniting with his entombed corpse, returned from the grave 3 o‘clock AM Sunday morning April 3rd, 33 AD. click/touch       Later Jewish writings in the Talmud suggest Messiah would be born on the 9th of AV. If this were true Jesus would have been born on July 27th, 1 BC (Gregorian calendar). This means John the Baptist would have been born before the virgin Mary became pregnant. So the Messih could not havebeen born on the 9th of Av.       (In this writing Jewish dates are matched solely to the Gregorian calendar. Until 100 AD the Gregorian calendar shorted the Julian calendar by two days. For example; in the 1st century AD the spring equinox fell on March 23rd  in the Julian calendar, but on March 21st in the Gregorian calendar. This discrepancy shows up when events of this period are dated according to the Julian calendar, which is
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commonly done since this was the calendar in use. Skim an internet search engine to find out what date Christ was crucified, you'll notice articles stating Friday, April 3rd, the date based on the Julian calendar. Today the Julian calendar shorts the Gregorian calendar by 13 days). click/touch      The year count used in the Hebrew calendar derives from the Seder Olam. A rabbinical work formulated in the middle of the second century AD, that attempted to number the years from the creation accounts of Genesis ch 1. Also in the Hebrew calendar each Jewish day begins and ends at evening twilight instead of midnight. For example a Jewish Saturday (the 7th day) begins Friday evening at sunset, and ends Saturday evenng at sunset at which point the Jewish Sunday (or 1st day) begins.                     When the modern Hebrew calendar was published in 359 AD, the accuracy of matching Gregorian dates to Jewish religious holidays is now quite precise. Because of a statement Jesus made in Matthew 12:40 there are those who believe the crucifixtion occurred either Wednesday or Thursday. click/touch          Nisan 14th did fall on a Jewish Wednesday in 30 & 37 AD. But from sundown Sep 24th, 29 AD to sundown Sep 13th, 30 AD corresponds to the Jewish year 3790, the year Jesus launched his ministry. According to Luke 3:1-3; John the Baptist began his ministry in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar (between Sep 17th, 28 AD -- Sep 16th, 29 AD).       Search the Rosetta Calendar converter and you’ll never find Nisan 14th falling on a Jewish Thursday. This means Jesus could never have been crucified on a daylight Thursday.     The prophecy of Daniel states Messiah (the man God anointed to be King over Israel) would be cut off, killed. Deprived of his kingly rights. After his death the rebuilt city of Jerusalem, and the temple (necessitating the building of a second structure), would again be destroyed by foreign armies.      So -- after subtracting 69 weeks (or 483 years) unto the Messiah from Daniel's 70 weeks (or 490 years) -- the remaining one week or seven years still left would be suspended on Messiah’s official rejection by the religious leaders of Israel as God’s appointed King (John 19:1-15). Postponed until after God had called out from among the world’s diverse ethnic population the body of Christ, as the church age fills the gap between the 69th and 70th week in God’s interrupted dealings with the Jewish nation.      The 70th week, that final seven year countdown to the return of Jesus, does not begin until after the removal of the New Testament Church at the Rapture. This interrupted 490 year timeframe is set to restart after Israeli political leaders agree to enter into a seven year Middle East peace agreement, administered by the top executive of a ten nation West European organization (Daniel 9:27; Isaiah 28:15,18). Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
This last ‘seven year’ week, bringing to completion Daniel’s 70 weeks of 490 years, will end in world catastrophe for the Christ rejecting nations on earth, and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Israel’s king by those of the Jewish race that survive the death purge of filth and ungodliness from Israel. When 2/3rds of the Israeli population, that I predict will swell to nine million Jewish citizens, perish in war and persecution.      In 535 BC Persia was the supreme power of the world. Great Babylon had fallen. And -- after a decree issued three years earlier by Cyrus, King of Persia -- the first wave of Jewish exiles returned to Israel and, as recorded in the book of Ezra, rebuilt the temple at its previous spot. This second temple (considerably inferior in quality in comparison to Solomon’s Temple) would later be remodeled into a marvelous wonder and showcase by King Herod of Judaea during the reign of the Roman Caesars (which at this point in history was still a few hundred years away).        Following the completion of this inferior second temple. Ezra, a Levitical priest, was permitted to return and restore the authority of Mosaic law from Jerusalem, setting in motion Daniel’s 70 weeks of years. Thirteen years later Nehemiah, a mighty believer in God, received permission from the then King of Persia Artaxeres  /r-tuh-zurk-sees/ to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the devastated city itself. Whose streets and walls were built in 36 years. Added to the previous 13 years completed 49 years of the 483 years, leaving left 434 years until the Messiah’s presentation. But leaping into the future some 500 years later.        In April, A.D. 70 --- in the midst of putting down a four year old Jewish revolt in the Roman provinces of Galilee and Judea by rebel forces who had seized control of Jerusalem. And coinciding with the feast of Passover that probably drew at least two million visitors each year --- the Roman legions and auxiliary forces under the Roman General Titus laid siege to Jerusalem (estimated population 100,000 plus).       Having launched this attack after rebel leaders ordered the gates of the heavily fortified walled city shut, trapping inside vast throngs of Jews who had traveled from various countries and throughout Judaea to observe Passover. Since the insurrection had not disrupted Passover ceremonies at Jerusalem before, apparently Jewish families and delegations felt perfectly safe making the pilgrimage as usual. Especially since no large scale military operations had been conducted since Emperor Nero committed suicide a couple of years back.       During the five month siege the death toll among pilgrims and residents --- either dying from starvation, slain by the sword, burnt alive while taking refuge in houses torched by Roman soldiers, killed by rebel occupiers after caught trying to escape, or
70 AD
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(after venturing outside the city walls looking for scrapes of food or plants to eat) were captured by Roman patrols and executed by crucifixion --- ran into the hundreds of thousands. The final count of Jewish dead exceeded one million. The Jewish historian Josephus provides an eyewitness account of the siege in the ‘Antiquities Of The Jews‘.      By early September the Romans had regained control of the city although fighting continued until the end of the month. Roman soldiers, in search of loot, broke into homes only to find clothed in hooded robes the decomposing and skeleton remains of families. Except for sparing the massive Roman fort which had lodged the 10th Roman Legion, demolition crews broke down Jerusalem’s walls with battering rams, and set houses and buildings ablaze. And as Jesus prophesied Herod’s Temple, gutted earlier in the siege by fire, was torn down stone by stone to retrieve the vast amount of gold that decorated the temple and melted into the crevices.       According to the scriptures the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed one) would have already arrived, been rejected, and killed. For the prophecy of Daniel clearly predicted the destruction of Jerusalem, and the temple (the second one), after the Messiah of God made his appearance on earth. And the only man who came before the destruction of Jerusalem fulfilling prophecies relating to the Christ, was Jesus of Nazareth. We don’t have any other candidate. Jesus alone fulfilled Old Testament prophecies identifying God’s Messiah now impossible for anyone else to ever fulfill.                  Both Temples of God were set on fire and destroyed on the 9th of Av by invading foreign armies. The first temple (or Solomon's Temple) in 588 BC (or  based on timeline correction_a 581 BC), and the second temple (or Herod's Temple) in 70 AD. Coincidently both temples were destroyed on the Sabbath. Solomon's Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av 3180, or between sunsets on the 14th and 15th of July, 581 BC. The destruction of Herod's Temple occurred exactly 13 X 50 or 650 years later, on the 9th of Av 3830, or between sunsets on the 1st and 2nd of August, 70 AD.       What makes this 9th of Av, 5780 that fell on a daylight Thursday July 30th, 2020 so unique, is that it occurred exactly 3 X 13 X 50 years, or 3 x 650 years, since the last temple was destroyed, or 1,950 years later. This raised the possibility of one of seven future events occurring July 30th, 2020 as listed below in an earlier version. As time passed it became clear there was no way the temple could even be built by that date). Its not clear if the Al Aqsa mosque is destroyed before or after the Rapture. Otherwise the events below will occur in the future. But not on July 30th, 2020.        >>> 7) If this is a trend, then the 9th of Av 5780 -- which begins sunset Wednesday July 29th and ends sunset Thursday July 30th, 2020 -- is reserved for the destruction of
July 30, 2020
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the 3rd temple. 6) The date when Israel, in an ironic twist of fate, dedicates the completion of the 3rd temple and re-institutes animal sacrifices. 5) Begin actual construction of the temple, probably by fitting together prefabricated units built in factories and transported on site for assembly.       4) Slaughter and cremation of a red heifer on the Mount of Olives. Before the cow is burned, and it’s ashes mingled with spring water to be used for purification, the High Priest will first sprinkle her blood seven times toward the designated temple site. The place where the Al-Aqsa /L-ox-sah/ Mosque stood. Now the temple may not be built on the same exact spot, but in close proximity,       3) The Israeli Parliament passing laws annexing West Bank territory and to partition the Temple Mount. Authorizing the 3rd temple to be built where the Al-Aqsa Mosque was previously located. 2) The date the Al-Aqsa Mosque is destroyed. 1) Since the Church is the Temple of God is this the date of the Rapture? Could be, but since Jesus said no one knows the day or hour, don’t count on it. Or 0) nothing.      Now granted the 9th of Av, 2020 may be nothing more then a spectacular coincidence. But, even stranger, starting from 70 AD, the 9th of Av when spaced exactly 650 years apart falls on the same day of the week in 720, 1370 & 2020. All three dates falling on the 5th day. >>>      None of the events listed above occurred on that date. But somethin significant did happen that day setting a precedent that will culminate in all the events listed above (1-7).. Further information click/touch              Using modern terminology in an effort to explain the incarnation. God had genetically coded into the WORD (John 1) the mechanism to clone the very essence and nature of his being. And this living word of God, implanted in the reproductive cell of a human female by the Holy Spirit, became an actual man living in the world.      In the gospels of Matthew and Luke the angel Gabriel visited a betrothed teenage virgin named Mary (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6,7). (Back then Greek was the primary language used for speaking, writing and reading among the Jewish inhabitants of Judaea. Hebrew had become a secondary language if it could be spoken at all). The angel -- speaking to Mary in Greek -- told her that through direct divine intervention, she would become pregnant and give birth to the Son of the Highest. And she was to name him {e-seuss}, the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew Yeshua /yow-shoe-wah/ or Joshua, which means the LORD (or Jehovah) saves’. For he would deliver us from our sins. click/touch
Incarnation and Language
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Ark Of The Covenant Found In Skull Hill
 appearance I believe looked exactly the way his mother Mary would have looked had she been born male instead of female, or had an identical twin brother. (Ron Wyatt talks about taking blood samples of Jesus’ from the Ark of the Covenant to have it analyzed---see subtitle ‘Ark of the Covenant’ next page. The sample tested was living blood that possessed 23 X-chromosomes from a human female, and one Y-chromosome provided by a non-human male source).       And so Almighty God split off an actual copy of himself, bringing his clone (and actual physical son) into human existence through the DNA and reproductive cycle of a Jewish woman. And this divine being, possessing masculine human characteristics and form, was giving birth in Bethlehem at the residence of a midwife. When Joseph and Mary got to the inn, Jesus was already born. Because there was no room available, they took refuge in a feeding trough enclosure for livestock. That night his birth was heralded by the angel’s announcement to shepherds tending their flocks.      “Don’t be afraid, for look, I am bringing you good news of great joy, which shall be shared by people everywhere (fulfilled by our yearly celebration of Christmas). For to you was born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is anointed the Lord.” Then there appeared a great host of angels proclaiming, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward mankind.” (Luke chs1 & 2). For this baby was God's heavenly gift and peace offering to the people of planet Earth.      About two years later, upon the startling arrival of foreign dignitaries leading a caravan into Jerusalem filled with an abundance of wealth to pay homage to the recently born King of the Jews, all Jerusalem became stirred with reports, reinforcing earlier rumors circulating, that God’s Anointed had come into the world (Luke ch 1). After a lapse of almost thirty years there appeared Jesus, the Son of God. And exhibiting signs and wonders presented himself with the credentials of the Christ. The one anointed by God to bring deliverance to the world.       After ministering for over three years. Of speaking with a confident authority that amazed the Jewish crowds. Of miraculously healing the sick and setting at liberty the oppressed. Jesus was nailed to a wooden cross. His holy and innocent blood shed for the sins of the world (Psalm 22; Isaiah 53; the New Testament).          That day, as the earth quaked splitting open the rocky ground where Jesus was crucified (Matthew 27:51), the blood of Jesus, after he had been pierced through with a spear, penetrated through the crack and dripped on the seat of the most holy relic of all time---the Ark of the Covenant. A trunk inside of which Moses had put the two stone tablets listing the ten commandants God gave Israel (Exodus 24: Deuteronomy Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
In view of the terrifying power associated with the ark, one can understand why this ordinance was taken seriously. (In 1 Samuel chs 4--7:2 & 1 Chronicles chs 13, 15 & 16, the ark’s power is displayed. In Leviticus 16:1-3 & 1 kings 8:10-14, the glory of God’s presence enters the Temple. And in Ezekiel 10:4,8; 11:23, the glory of God‘s presence exits the Temple and departs Jerusalem).       Not knowing what became of the ark, only that it must have been removed before the first temple was plundered and destroyed by the Babylonians, it was absent from the second temple. The rediscovered ark will be retrieved after the Rapture and enshrined in a yet to be built third temple.        Unlike the first temple only drapery fastened inside the rectangular hall of the second temple (sealing off approximately 1/3rd of the rear section) separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the sanctuary. When Jesus died on the cross the now thick layers of curtain, shielding an empty compartment, was mysteriously ripped apart from top to bottom (Mattew 23:50-51; Mark 15:37-38).       Signifying God would no longer conceal his presence on earth in the temple’s inner sanctum. But now everyone everywhere at anytime has open direct access into the very presence of God because of Jesus. Every night, from the day Jesus was killed until its destruction, the doors of the temple would swing wide open by themselves.         So having placed himself under Satan’s authority at the crucifixion, even though during his holy walk on earth Jesus committed no sin, and his life had been greatly blest with the favor of God.      Yet the man Jesus --- for the majestic splendor awaiting him in company with all those for whom he would win pardon in his Father’s kingdom in the realms of glory --- took upon himself at the cross the curse of poverty, sickness, and spiritual death that had befallen humanity through sin. While in the exchange the blessings of God; prosperity, health and eternal life were transferred over to us through Christ.       Here are promises contained in scripture to show that God wants to help us all inherit our own promise land of plenty here on earth (Deuteronomy 8:18; 28:1-4; Joshua 1:8,9; Psalms 1:1-3; 37:3-5; 112:1-3; Proverbs 3:9,10; MalachI 3:8-12; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Philippians 4:19; 3 John 1:2).       After the physical death of Jesus Christ on the cross, his spirit left his body and descended into the spiritual underworld. As Satan took possession and cast his ghost into the fire pits of hell, shoved in among the shades of the dead. Not only did Jesus take Barabbas’ place on the cross, but was also given the spot reserved for Barabbas in hell. (Psalms 6 & 88 foretell the Messiah’s descent and torment in hell).
Descent Into Hell And Resurrection
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To fully satisfy the demands of divine justice against the human race, Jesus endured the awful experience of being shut away in that appalling, horrible place reverberating with the screams and crying of the damned. 36 to 39 hours later the sin and burnt offerings of Jesus, God’s sacrificial lamb, had been accepted releasing humanity from all penalty of Adam’s transgression. There, amid the roar ascending from the lost multitudes of men and women imprisoned in hell, Jesus lifted up a voice of victory, “I will declare the decree, the Lord has said to me, You are my Son: today have I begotten you.”  Psalm 2:7  (Acts 13:33,34;  Romans 1:4).      On speaking these words the spirit of the man Jesus --- which had died; after the Lord Jesus exchanged (by way of the repentant thief at the cross) the perfect state of his upright human nature for the sin state of our fallen human nature which, as a consequence of Adam’s transgression, had befallen humanity. Following this transfer on Skull Hill, God, rendering his verdict, charged Jesus guilty for the disobedience of Adam. Thus bringing his son under the law of operation that produces spiritual death, separation from God --- was born again. Recreated in divine holiness. Having passed over from spiritual death to spiritual life.      Made the Son of God in power no longer could hell prove a match for him. Jesus then ascended through the dark, gloomy recesses of the pit. Hurling aside the mighty host of demons who made a desperate attempt in a losing effort to hold him back. Putting them to open shame.      And reuniting with his entombed body Jesus Christ returned from the realm of the dead and left the tomb. Presenting himself alive again to Mary Magdalene early that Sunday morning. Ordaining her as the first messenger to proclaim the good news of his bodily resurrection. Then proceeded to heaven to seal his great victory, having won the conflict of the ages. (Matthew 12:40; Mark 16:9; John 20:11-18).      For the risen Lord had dethroned Satan, and disarmed this insidiously pernicious spirit being called the devil of the keys of [spiritual] death and hell. And even all the evil force of sin that holds men bound in fear and darkness. And thus God (the Almighty, All-sufficient one) bestowed upon the name of Jesus Christ by right of conquest, the victory and freedom men seek. And the divine authority by which they may reign over the affairs and circumstances of life.        Since humanity, who by our own efforts or goodness, could never earn nor merit God's approval no matter how hard we try, the dispensation of grace --- as God extends his highest bestowal of favor possible to the human race for whom Jesus had achieved redemption --- was introduced into human history. A pre-determined length of Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
Grace, Redemption And Worlds Beyond
The Hebrew believers testified to Israel back then, showing by Old Testament scripture, that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and had been put to death and come back to life in fulfillment of scripture. Having paved the way for a spiritually dead human race to escape eternal damnation in the lake of fire by being born again unto eternal life. This new birth experience made available to all in Christ. Whereas miracles were performed by God through the apostles, reinforcing their testimony as eyewitnesses that Jesus had been raised by God from out among the dead. (Side note: Apostle means ‘sent one’. Someone sent on a expedition, a mission or assignment, such as an ambassador or emissary. Today we call these diplomats, representing the Christian faith, missionaries. In the Bible missionaries are called apostles).      Despite the opposition Satan aroused among the nation's Jewish religious leadership against the Hebrew Christian community, many Jews living at that time submitted themselves to the rite of water baptism performed in Jesus' name as the identifying act of their conversion (Acts 2:37-39). Based on a later revelation given the Apostle Paul, eternal salvation is made available to all through a simple confession of faith (                             Romans ch 4). Baptisms are administered as a way for Christians to participate in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. But this new way of coming to God through a simple child-like belief in Jesus went unheeded by the nation of Israel (the Acts of the Apostles). And as Jesus foretold, judgment came down hard on that generation (Matthew 23:27-39; Luke 11:45-52).        In 73 AD (over 2½ years since the temple’s destruction during the siege of Jerusalem, which shut down the old way of coming to God through ritualized animal sacrifices rendered invalid by the crucifixion of Jesus, and no longer acceptable to God), the last rebel stronghold holding out against Roman imperial rule was lost. The tenth legion, after making a final assault on the desert fortress at Masada, discovered the Jewish defenders, their wives and children also, over 900 in number, dead. A woman survivor (who had safely hidden some children, an elderly woman, and herself), told how the insurgents, rather then risk capture, had systematically put each other to death. The last man alive killed himself. With this action the rebellion launched by Jewish rebel groups to liberate Judaea from Roman domination had been defeated.       But before this, Jesus, having extended his invitation of eternal salvation to other nationalities, had relayed instructions by way of visions to chosen Jewish apostles and evangelist to also go and tell the good news of salvation to the pagan world, even as the Lord had informed Paul, “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them who are sanctified by faith that is in me.” Acts 26: (15-) 18. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
The Way To God
For at that time, according to Noah’s prophecy (Genesis 10:25-27), Japheth /jay-fifth/, Noah’s youngest son, would inherit the ministry from God through Jesus Christ, and dwell in the tents of Shem. Shem was Noah's first born son. (The contribution of the Bible, the ancestry of Jesus through Mary, Mother of the Son of God, and the establishment of the New Testament Church on earth, came directly through the Hebrew line of Shem).      As the children of Japheth takes over control and leadership role of the Church from the original Jewish apostles, and begin administering the kingdom of God on earth in place of Israel. Who would be removed from the scene for having rejected Jesus Christ, until God’s extension of special grace, directed toward the Gentile world, is closed out at the end of the age (Micah 5:2,3; Romans 11).      And as Japheth enlarged, when they (Japheth’s offspring) explored and colonized distant continents in those adventurous seafaring journeys of the Renaissance and Reformation periods of the 15 & 1600’s, that has watched him at the close of this age extend his exploration feats into space. The Holy Spirit would be sending out missionaries from the Gentile churches and religious organizations to herald the glad tidings of Jesus Christ to the far reaches of the earth. Bringing news of a great salvation to all people, as Japheth proclaims the spiritual revelations of Shem to the descendants of Ham. As both Japheth and Shem repays Ham a big debt of thanks.      This was brought out in a detailed elaborate thesis proposed by Arthur Custance in his book ‘noah’s three sons‘. Mr. Custance figured out how God had ordained a special contribution to be made by each of Noah’s three sons toward the spiritual, material and intellectual development of mankind. Contributions based on characteristic traits history records can be amazingly stereotyped to each of the three families descended from Shem, Ham and Japheth. We also now have the benefit of the internet for information that was unavailable to Mr. Custance. In fact he was even more right then he knew.      The institution of organized religion, whether expounding truth or error (and I refer to religions in the sense that religion expresses a belief in deity and an afterlife, while stressing the importance of ritual in entering into a mystical union with the divine or supernatural), originated with the more otherworldly minded Assyrian and Babylonian descendants of Shem. Most prominent among whom were Semiramis, the mother of paganism and witchcraft (chapter 3), and Abraham. To Abraham was restored a monotheistic worldview that was expressed in religious systems developed by his descendants through each of his three wives.       Through Sarah, his half sister, a Semite (and their distant descendant Moses) the religion that became Judaism; through Hagar, the Egyptian servant, a Hamite (and their
Noah’s Three Sons
Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
The seven transitional phases occurring in church history are as follows: 1) The original zeal of the Church to carry out its mission. 2) State persecutions ensue, forcing churches underground. 3) After persecutions subside, the Church re-emerges and settles in the world. 4) There is established a dominate universal church throughout most of Europe headquartered in Rome. 5) A massive protest reform movement  challenging the Church of Rome’s authority rocks Europe. 6) Churches are awakened with evangelistic fervor and missionary zeal. 7) Amid increasing material affluence and technical progress, churches become complacent and begin to stagnant.                           A   A quick list of the seven churches in their historical setting are; 1) the robust Church at Ephesus /f-uh-sis/ (representing first century Book of the Acts Christianity. A highly commended church, but adherence to religious duty had supplanted love as the primary motivation driving the churches), 2) the valiant Church at Smyrna (a period when pagan Roman authorities attempted to stamp out Christianity), 3) the compromising Church at Pergamum (the incorporation of Christianity into the world system, after the Emperor Constantine legalized Christian services in the Roman Empire), 4) the superstitious Church at Thyatira /thigh-uh-tie-ruh or thy-at-uh-ruh/ (spanning the medieval period whose highlights include; the conversion of Europe, the Crusades, the bubonic plague or black death, and discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus):      5) The contaminated Church at Sardis (a time frame, extending from the Renaissance to the age of enlightenment, that witnessed a fragmenting Christianity driven by worldly political power rather then spiritual fervor highlighted by; the Protestant Reformation ignited by Martin Luther, the counter reforms launched by Ignatious of Loyola, the religious based wars of Europe, and the establishment of Puritan settlements in New England known as Pilgrims, whose influence helped shaped America), 6) the persevering Church at Philadelphia (spanning the era ushered by the John Wesley, George Whitefield /wit-field/ revivals to World War I. Highlighted by the great spiritual awakenings, and an unprecedented missionary thrust worldwide), 7) the superficial Church at Laodicea /lay-o-duh-see-yuh or lay-odd-ah-see-yuh/ (typifying the half hearted devotion and materialism of the Catholic, Orthodox and mainline Protestant churches throughout the 20th century to the end of the church age).        This particular age span, the modern era (1870 to the present), has been increasingly dominated by unparalleled material abundance, advances in technology that changed the world, the deluge of mindless entertainment, and the rampant bombardment of commercial advertisement. Eventually the church world, as a whole (especially after 1900), began succumbing to an increasingly materialistic culture that   . Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
The Laodicean Church Age
emphasized the achievement of success and fulfillment through material rather then spiritual well-being.       Now there is nothing wrong with wanting nice things and sharing in the wealth and progress of the world. For God has given us all good things to ENJOY and benefit us. But he doesn’t want his people to adopt a materialistic mindset, such that gripped the Church at Laodicea.        Laodicea was a rich banking and manufacturing city that possessed a strong self-sufficient can do attitude. It was also a city that provided residents with much in the way of entertainment. Blest with one of the highest standards of living in the Roman Empire, Laodicea was unique in that so many of its converts to Christianity were wealthy businessmen and families, or came from a prosperous middle class. Because of the culture they were raised in, status symbol was very important to them.      The well-off Christian community in Laodicea were able to indulge in the sumptuousness an affluent lifestyle offered. Since they put a higher priority on material well-being as the main objective in life, they felt they had achieved it all and were living the Laodicean dream. Their Christian faith may have been somewhat important to them, but other things were more relevant to their lives.       Preoccupied with business dealings, shopping sprees, and the activities, pleasures and comforts associated with luxurious ‘Roman style’ city living, the believers that sprang up in Laodicea had become slack in their commitment to the Christian faith, and a stagnant lukewarm formality had set in. Now Christ did not condemn them for possessing material abundance or being rich, but for letting it give them a false sense of security and dull their enthusiasm for what pertains to God. Neglecting their deeper spiritual needs, and, smug in their own self-sufficiency, not even realizing it.       This is very similar to our era. The affluent yet spiritual destitute ’middle of the road’  Protestant, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, are basically just going through the motions. Hopefully, in what precious little time remains before the Rapture occurs, these shrinking churches -- at least on a local, individual basis -- will open their doors to the charismatic movement or renewal, and become energized with the power of God, and experience his glory (ch 4: Supernatural Christianity).        Through the centuries of the Jewish dispersion Christianity had conquered the pagan Roman Empire (despite waves of persecution unleashed during the reign of various Roman Emperors against Christians, many of whom were martyred for their faith). The ultimate triumph of Christianity over idolatry throughout the Greco-Roman world, was marked by the establishment of the first great Christian civilization in the eastern half of
Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
The Triumph Of Christainity
the Roman Empire at Byzantium (representative of Greek/Serbian style Orthodoxy).        A faith that mightily spread through the army of bishops enlisted as papal missionaries from Rome, and the monks who burst on the scene from the Celtic Ireland of St. Patrick, proclaiming the cross of Christ. Through whom the barbaric German inheritors of the ancient Roman Empire in the west embraced Christianity, thus laying the foundation of Western Civilization. Upon which structure arose the Holy Roman, Spanish, and British empires, and was built the greatest nation the world has ever known; the constitutional Republic of the United States of America.         And in dark heathen lands without hope, Jesus opened wide the doors to permit the light of the gospel to shine through. As Roman Catholic orders from Europe, and teams of Protestant missionaries, journeyed into the New World, Africa, India, the Orient, Middle East and Pacific islands with the good news of Jesus. Spreading enriching Christian culture around the globe and winning many souls from Satan, that by the late 1800's it appeared the ambassadors of the Christian religion, filled with missionary zeal, would win the whole world to the Christian faith.        At the turn of the 20th century --- as the propagation of dangerous satanic doctrines such as the philosophy of evolution and the Communist Manifesto began to take hold, and the secularizing influence the new medium of motion pictures exerted --- the fundamental principles of biblical truths began eroding throughout Europe.       In 1914 the war to end all wars broke out. After the Great War ended, instead of praying for worlds to mend (as the poet Alfred Noyes put it in his poem ‘A Victory Dance’) there came the roaring twenties, and the rise of a modern day Babylon called Hollywood. The popularity of glamorous Hollywood movie stars extending beyond the celebrity crazed culture of American society reaching global proportions. Achieving international stardom and idolized by adoring fans, a new cast of gods and goddesses had emerged, even as foreboding shadows were being cast over the world.      In Russia, the lackadaisical state of Christianity had permitted satanic forces to thrust that nation into the horrendous darkness of atheistic communism, with the expressed intent of shrouding the whole world under this evil. Then there was Germany. Where, amid the diminished influence of Protestant and Catholic churches on German society, the fervor of extreme political organizations such as the Bolsheviks and National Socialist Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei in German), led by a spellbinding orator named Adolf Hitler, were turning the nation upside down.       Such a weakening in the spiritual power of the Christian faith in Germany opened wide the doors to the infiltration of demon spirits. And another story would be told of genocide, and a world at war.
Entering The 20th Century
Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
In 1921 British authorities created an emirate in Palestine east of the Jordan river, renaming that area Transjordan. Granted self-rule by Britain in 1946, Transjordan became [the Hashemite kingdom of] Jordan in 1949. On November 29th, 1947 the United Nations, over Arab opposition, partitioned Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states. Allowing the British mandate to govern Palestine -- as authorized by the former League of Nations in 1922 -- to expire at midnight ending May 14th, 1948.      After Britain relinquished control of Palestine on schedule, and the state of Israel having been declared earlier that day by the Jewish People’s Council, the surrounding Arab countries invaded as fighting proceeded on and off for eight months. During this conflict the armies of Jordan (then Transjordan) seized a hefty portion of Palestine that Jordan named its West Bank. This land grab also included a sizable section of Jerusalem that became East Jerusalem. A strip of land located along the lower eastern Mediterranean coast line containing the ancient Philistine city of Gaza became an Egyptian outpost called the Gaza Strip. The rest of Palestine became Israel.      During the 1967 war Israeli forces captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem placing large, resentful Arab populations under Israeli control. The Arab residents in these territories, now re-identifying themselves as Palestinians, began demanding the creation of their own independent state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capitol. In contrast Israelis viewed East and West Jerusalem as a unified city never to be divided again. Creating a problem that has haunted the world ever since. >>>        According to Jesus' fig tree parable; when Israel again became a nation, and had repossed ancient Jerusalem, this would mark out the generation that would witness the events surrounding Jesus' 2nd coming. Especially alerting the Christian world to the nearness of Christ secret coming (ch 5). When Jesus returns like a thief in the night to RECEIVE his own unto himself (John 14:3). Or as Jesus stated in Matthew 24:39-41 and Luke 17:34-36, 'one is TAKEN, and the other left'. (The words ‘receive and taken’ are translated from the same Greek word referring to the same event). This special event would happen at a time when the world is going about its usual everyday activities (Matthew 24:36-51; Mark 13:32-37; Luke 17:26-37).      This secret coming is in direct contrast to Christ’ 2nd coming -- when Jesus returns directly to the earth in open view -- that shall take place in the aftermath of worldwide nuclear devastation, when what remains of life on earth is being threatened by extinction according to Matthew 24:21,22,29,30; Mark 13:19-23; Luke 21:23,24.
The Fig Tree Generation
Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
           In Matthew 23:36 Jesus may actually be referring to his own generation which would really prove the point, since the span of time from the birth of Christ to the destruction of the 2nd Temple was seventy years (Matthew 23:29-39). Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30 and Luke 21:32, are definitely referring to the lifespan of a generation).         By generation Jesus could simply mean people who were alive when the modern state of Israel was created would still be living when the abomination of desolation occurs. Today many people are living well into their eighties and even into their nineties. And more people are surpassing the one hundred year mark. In July 2009, the oldest man then living passed away at 113 years old. The next month the oldest known survivor to fight in World War I died at 111 years old. If this is what Jesus meant then it becomes anyone’s guess. In the interpretation of Bible prophecy, assumption replaces calculation. It then becomes possible Pope Francis could live beyond the 100 year mark. That would be the case if God had npt provided us evidence that reveals what date Jesus will return to earth...      Based on the ‘Jewish Date Scenario 2nd Coming’ p 42, Israel will have turned 85 years old when the 2nd coming of Christ takes place May 24 th , 2033. The Lord’s return will occur almost 66 years since the reunification of Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capitol following the June 1967 six day war  Having seized the other half of Jerusalem held under Jordanian control since 1948,      The Israelis -- using the ancient Sumerian lunar calendar -- acknowledges the 5 th  of Iyyar (e-yar) as the lunar birthday of the modern state of Israel. In 1948 the 5 th  of Iyyar fell on May 14 th . On that date the People’s council of Palestinian Jews issued a declaration proclaiming “the creation of an independent Jewish state in Palestine to be known as Israel”.      No one on earth knows what date the Rapture will occur. Based on the ‘Jewish Date Scenario p 42’, the Rapture must happen sometime before June 1 st , 2026. The date the seven year peacel treaty will take effect.      A scenario can be developed using as a point of reference the 2016 Summer Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro where it was actually winter. The lighting of the Olympic flame taking place August 5 th , and the extinguishing of the flame August 21 st . 79 days later, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States.      The city selected to host the 2016 games of the 31st Olympiad provided a rich symbolism of end time significance no other city in the world could match. The giant statue of Jesus standing on the Rio mountain top with arms outstretched, welcoming athletes and visitors from around the globe.      .  
Prophetic Significance Of The 2016/2020 Olympics & Trump’s Presidency
  Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
created perhaps the greatest economy in American history in the shortest span of time. A truly amazing feat that benefitted all. President Donald J Trump whose surname appears in two major Rapture scriptures in the venerable King James Bible. Amazingly the only two places in the KJV where trump is used instead of trumpet.             So was the election of Donald Trump another clue from God the Rapture is about to occur, perhaps during his presidency? If so this means Trump wil either be reinstated or re-elected. (The exact number of men who would be elected president after Israel’s rebirth up to the Rapture is revealed in                                                ).                                                                                        >    >>> Side Note: The massive voter fraud occurring in key battleground swing states during the Nov 3rd 2020 presidential election was extensive. Proving President Trump handily defeating the Biden-Harris Democratic ticket. Satan, operating through his minions on earth to steal the election, succeeded in installing a sham president into the White House. But will God permit this swindle to prevail or intervene and change the outcome and reinstate President Trump, or shall he be reelected Nov 20224, or both? Or will Satan operating through Joe Biden be able to lead America towards irreversible decline and downfall?       Is it divine destiny that Trump return as an active U.S. president before the Rapture occurs?  This would require decertification of the 2020 elections, or Trump wins the presidency for a third time in Nov 2024.  >>>           }      The upcoming seven year 2,550 day tribulation period is divided into two 3½ year segments of 42 months each. The first half of the tribulation is characterized by  peace and prosperity, the second half by war and destruction.      The first 3½ year period begins with the implementation of a Middle East peace deal. 1,260 days later (Revelation 11:3), a Gentile world leader commits a lawless act of desecration at the Jewish Temple of God (the abomination of desolation). Whatever date this occurs the 2nd coming of Christ will take place exactly 1,290 days later (Daniel 12:11), constituting the second 3½ year period. The second half of this seven year tribulation period can be further subdivided: First by a 30 day span allowing Israelis time to flee to Petra where, for the next 1,260 days (Revelation 12:6), they will be divinely protected while the horrors of the great tribulation are unleashed on the world.      This future seven year tribulation period will 3 times out of 4 overlap two leap years (when every fourth year an extra day is added to February expanding the month from 28 to 29 days), or else one leap year. An entire seven year timeframe with a double leap year period amounts to 2,557 days. A single leap year period 2,556 days. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
        (Article written before Jewish Date Scemario discovery)
Chapter 1 Theological Review
     Lead by the Spirit of God I discovered on Feb 22 nd , 2023, the departure and return of Christ could happen on the same Jewish date spaced exactly 2,000 years apart. Before then I had no idea which month or year the peace treasty would take effect that would enable the post-Rapture world to pinpoint the exact date of the 2nd coming. as explained in the last article. A spectacular coincidence, or did God reveal the date of Christ return.      On Thursday May 12 th , 33 AD (Gregorian calendar). Jesus ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives before a Jewish audience standing below watching him go up. Then two angels appeared and connected this event to the 2nd coming (Acts 1:6-12). Using the Rosetta Calendar converter May 12 th , 33 AD matched the 25 th  of Iyyar (e-yar), 3793 (Hebrew calendar),      At his 2nd coming Jesus will return to earth as the King of Israel to rescue the Israeli Jewish remnant hiding out at Petra. A Jewish audience will watch Jesus descending from the sky with whom he shall make direct contact  This will be a daytime event. I then changed the year of the 25 th of Iyyar from 3793 to 5793 and clicked the convert button.     This Jewish date falls each year on a different date somewhere in May or early June. But 2,000 years later the 25 th of Iyyar, 5793 fell on Tuesday May 24 th , 2033. I knew I struck gold. (To findout why. Click ‘dates listed 2026-2033’ at black bar locater above. In the pop-up graph check out line 6. All date settings in this document are now based on that).     
     Yet God may have revealed to us the exact date Jesus will touch down on earth at his 2nd coming.
Jewish Date Scenario 2nd Coming
 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Theological Review
Not Until After The Third Temple
 A Victorious Aftermath
One of the most important signs of the end times. The Jews would again regain control of Jerusalem sfter a long period under Gentile control, This would occur shortly  before Jesus’ 2nd coming. Jesus said, “And Jerusalem shall be under the heel (political control) of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles has run its coarse (Luke 24:27).”        A prophecy elapsing the Romans, Byzantines, Persians, Kurds, the Christian knights of Western Europe, the Turks, and British (who seized control of Jerusalem during World
     Doing a further search on dates involving the 25 th  of Iyyar I went down  to 1987 then up to 2050. Later to 2052. Based on this scenario the 2nd coming can only occure on May 24 th  or May 25 th  (which comes into play only on odd numbered years followed by a leap year). This Jewish date fell on May 24 th  in 1987, 2033, & 2052, and fell on May 25 th in 1995 & 2014.      Based on this criteria, the 2nd coming could have occurred in 1995, yet  still in 2033, then next 2052, But not back in 1987 or 2014.     The 2,000 year connection is the key seperating the Lord’s ascent (25 th of Iyyar, 3793), and 2nd advent (25 th of Iyyar, 5793).         ,
In the future, as more nations join the Collective Security Treaty Organization such as Turkey (which means Turkey is either going to quit or be kicked out of NATO), and probably Iran, CSTO is destined to expand beyond just a regional military power. Turning into a potent military alliance that is able to conduct joint large scale military operations and transport massive armies, equipment and supplies by land, air and sea.             The world having witness in 2014 the sudden rise of the brutal terrorist militant organization ISIS (Islamic State [of] Iraq [and] Syria), who took advantage of the Syrian civil war and withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. Islamic State first won control over a big chunk of Syria. Its jihadist armies then seized a large section of Iraqi territory before their advance was finally halted by American air strikes. But the launch of  counter-offensives and U.S. and Russian bombing raids sent the Caliphate reeling.        After the Syrian President Assad humiliated President Obama before the world by crossing Obama’s red line on the use of chemical weapons and Obama, having lost his nerve, did nothing. This embolden the Russians to enter the Syrian civil war on the side of Assad. The election of Donald Trump, who had taken the restraints off the U.S. military that Obama imposed, accelerated the destruction of ISIS. The couple ot times Assad cross Obama’s red line to test Trump, this president responded.      Then there was Iran. Wanting so desperately to make a deal with Iran over nuclear arms control---in July 2015 President Obama, in return from Iran to pinkie swear not to possess nuclear weapons for ten years, agreed to have UN sanctions lifted releasing 150 billion dollars to an active state sponsor of terrorism. This money help to fund Iran’s  missile defense and ballistic missile programs. Then Iran came to the aid of Syrian President Assad. But on May 8th, 2018 President Trump pulled America out of that commitment and reimposed sanctions.       After the Rapture occurs, a comprehensive Middle East peace settlement will be achieved. Iran will have ceased to be a direct threat to the stability of the region. Either the mullahs are booted out and Iran experiences a regime change, or Russia moves armed forces inside Iran under the pretense of defending Iran from a possible Israeli or American attack.      Another hot spot of world contention Ukraine. The pro-Western Ukrainian people, who did not wish to join Putin’s Eurasian Union, kicked out their democratically elected president in favor of establishing closer ties with the West. Western leaders applauded the move, but Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the majority Russian population residing in the eastern third of the country, resisted. As a result, after Russia annexed Crimea, Ukrain’s national army began fighting Russian separatist forces to hold the
Current State Of Affairs (dealing with Syria, Iran and Ukraine)
rest of the country together. Unless the eastern region is permitted to peel off Putin would not permit Ukraine to join the EU or NATO intack. A motivating factor behind the invasion and current comflict impacting Ukraine. Putin then took the initiative.      Referendums were held late Septembe 2022 in the occupied eastern sector. Four districts in the heavily Russian populated Donbas region of Ukraine voted to join the Russian Federation. Adding one-third of Ukrainian territory to Russia.              According to the Apostle John in the book of Revelation, another sphere of power would arise in the Orient at the time of the end; as Japan, China, Korea, and the Alliance of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN /ah-see-in/, align. The aforementioned Asean organization consist of Brunei, Burma (or Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.      The end of the Korean war fought in the early 1950's left the Korean peninsula divided. To fit the scenario laid out in Bible prophecy the world must witness the reunification of North and South Korea. This can only mean, to the great relief of the world, the communist dictatorship of North Korea is destined to fall. Allowing the starving, poverty stricken country to accept terms that will allow it to rejoin its wealthy, democratic half in the south. It looks like Seoul shall become the capitol of one Korea.       Taiwan cannot remain a lone tiger. Hopefully democratic reforms overtake China paving the way for China's peaceful re-absorption of Taiwan rather then by military action or war. Or else Taiwan joins Asean. While a series of coming circumstances on the world scene pressures Japan to turn its advanced technology and mass production of industry toward national defense.       Perhaps to form a counterweight to China, Japan will unite in a militaqry coalition with Taiwan, Korea and Southeast Asia, and finally with even China itself. As an awesome, terrifying force leaps up at the world from Asia's Pacific rim. This alignment of nations in the Far East may be the last to develop, and will probably occur more toward the very end of the age. Conclusions based on Revelation 9:14-16 & 16:12.      Yet not only shall the lands of the rising sun arm in this era of high tech militaries,  nuclear weapons and star war defenses (specifically Japan), but also the nations of Western Europe (including Germany). Combined a unfied Western Europe has the potential to become a powerful political, economic and military force on earth. And this is exactly what the Bible predicts will happen.        In chs 2 & 7--11:4 of the book of Daniel in the Bible, the prophet Daniel received from God certain revelations through dreams and visions symbolizing four great world
Rising Sun
The Iron Might Of Rome
conquering empires that would arise; present day Babylon, Persia (which rose toward  the end of Daniel’s life), the future rise of Greece under a very prominent figure, and after Greece an unidentified kingdom -- the fourth and strongest empire -- would emerge. This last empire would be different in that it would comprise two unique parts (described by Daniel as legs of iron), then be subdivided into ten distinct entities (Daniel 2:31-35, 40-43).      It would be this fourth kingdom, in its second stage on earth, that Israel's future king, the Lord Jesus Christ, would destroy in an awesome display of his power in a  cataclysmic event of direct divine intervention into human history.      Now just distant events that happened a long time ago the fact that Greece, falling under the rule of one of the most renown figures in ancient history, Alexander the great, did go on to conquer the known civilized world. But the glory that was Greece was eclipsed by the rise of a mightier power---Rome.        A city founded in the 8th century BC after waves of aryan peoples had migrated across the Alps into the Italian peninsula (circa 1200 -- 1000 BC). A group of whom the Latins had settled in the central western section of the peninsula near the Mediterranean sea at Latium /lah-t-m or lay-shim/ (so named after Italy was divided into administrative counties approximately 1,000 years later by the Emperor Augustus).       The original Rome may have started out as a trading post situated on the banks where the Tiber river receded to its most shallow crossable point. Here nearby Etruscan encampments would met and trade. (Perhaps similar in physical appearance to the American Indian/Polynesian/indo-Chinese racial type, the Etruscan people were probably Italy's original inhabitants). It appears a township started to emerge called in Etruscan 'Romu' /row-mew or rom-u/ (in Latin or Italian 'Roma', in English ‘Rome') meaning habitation by the river or river town.       The leader of this community was probably identified by the title Romulus. At some point the Tiber river flooded and the Etruscan site was abandoned. But on the nearby hills, where a nomadic people from among the Latin tribes grazed cattle and sheep, settlements started popping up.            The beginning history of this mighty mistress deals primarily with the amalgamation of these tribal hillbilly clans who governed themselves under a strict patriarchal system of rule. Sharing the same language, ethnicity and religious traditions, these hilltop settlements aligned themselves under a single leader. To determine who would reign, the eldest ruling male relative from each of the individual family clans took consul together to elect someone from among their peers. A kind of ultimate head patriarch titled the ’King of Rome’.
Establishment Of The Roman Monarchy
Benefiting from contact with the more advanced and urbanized Etruscan society -- which help lift Roman society out of its more primitive rural state -- the kings of Rome began implementing expanding city development and building program initiatives requiring the hiring of laborers. Because of the availability of jobs, members of the proletariat class throughout Latium began moving to Rome with their families.       The ancient Romans obtained many of their customs, names, letters of the alphabet, history, engineering skills, and inventions such as a superior concrete and aqueducts from the Etruscans. Roman society, as it came into contact with the Greek colonial cities planted in the southern part of the Italian peninsula, was also strongly influenced by Greek culture, architecture, and philosophy.      During the period of the kings Rome’s boundaries were extended beyond the original hilltop settlements incorporating adjacent hills and lands, as Roman monarchs expanded their domain, by force of arms if necessary. In the process putting Rome in a dominant position of leadership over all Latin speaking towns in the county.      During its existence, the Roman monarchy seemed to have transitioned from a senate selected office to an inherited position that became more ritualized and autocratic. After going through a series of all-powerful kings who reigned for life --- the last of whom seemed to have imposed a more tyrannical rule over the city then his predecessors had --- the Romans had had enough. In 510-509 BC, they either overthrew or refused to renew the monarchy. In its place they installed a republican form of government that prevailed for nearly 500 years.        The early stages of the Roman Republic was marked by the eventual successful class struggle of the common working people (plebeians) to attain the full equal rights and privileges held by the more dignified, snobbish aristocracy---the wealthier, leading families of Rome descendant of the original Roman fathers (patricians).       During that period there emerged a society committed to protecting the legal rights and carrying out the duties of responsible citizenship. Among whose social activities that help spur Rome’s patriotic spirit and warlike tendencies, was a fondness for celebrating military successes on the battlefield with victory parades through the streets of Rome called triumphs.       To prepare for annual summer campaigns at local, then regional, and ultimately national conquest, Rome’s labor force and farming community would assemble on the open fields to conduct military training exercises. A regiment that churned out organized, proficient citizen militias commanded by political leaders in quest of military glory.
The Republic Of Rome
varies), and means commander (or 'emperor' in French). Having inherited the title: 'Dictator Perpetual Caesar Imperator' from his grand uncle, the late dictator for life Julius Caesar who in his will adopted Octavian as his son and heir. To play it safe, Octavian decided to get rid of dictator and place imperator in front of his name instead.      When a triumphant Roman general appeared before his troops after a successful military campaign, the body of soldiers would greet him with declarations of imperator (or commander). Only the troops had this authority, and only they could chose to exercise it. A tradition that may have started around 200 BC, this distinction of being saluted imperator or (to be used exclusively from this point on) emperor, gave a Roman general the right to ask the Senate’s approval to highlight his military victories abroad with a state sponsored parade in Rome. Until Julius Caesar broke with protocol, the title of emperor was held only temporarily by a Roman general then surrendered. (In imperial times, soldiers saluting their general as emperor weren’t usually seeking the glory of a triumph as in republican times, but instead committing a defiant act of open rebellion against the current Caesar in charge).         What all this meant was, instead of bypassing the Senate and ruling over his domain as an autocratic despot, Octavian, after giving up power in a deliberate ruse, accepted the Senate’s invitation in 27 BC to return and supervise the affairs-of-state on behalf of the people of Rome as first citizen). What Octavian did was to assure Rome’s citizen population that he did not regard them as subjects, but as fellow citizens and co-commanders, thus establishing the imperium of the Romans. Imperium, or (as filtered through the French language) empire, simply means 'command, or to be in command of'.       The extension of this Roman command, or empire, now covered the entire land mass surrounding the Mediterranean sea, and stretched north to the Danube and Rhine rivers all the way up the channel and North sea. The sense is Rome ruled the world. Octavian represented Rome on behalf of its citizens. As first citizen he spoke on their behalf.      At this juncture in history it was the force of a unified Italian nation that enabled the Emperor Octavian to rule over a vast empire. Since becoming citizens of Rome in 89 BC, all free born Italians and half Italians were now called Romans. This name, conferring citizenship, was extended 300 years later to all free inhabitants throughout the empire regardless of merit, payment, social ranking, or military service, that before had been requirements for non-Italians obtaining Roman citizenship.      In fact, it was a government official of this fourth world empire who --- after submitting to pressure tactics employed by envious Jewish religious leaders who had declared Caesar rather then Christ to be the King of Israel --- sentence Jesus to death. Matthew 27, Mark 15, and John 18:28-40, and 19 records this most famous trial in history.
Roman Imperial Command
Perhaps never in history has a head of state been invested with so much power to play with on this large a scale as these men were. The whole thing began warping into megalomania pretensions that took the form of coercive emperor worship, and the exaltation of Caesar to god-like status. As H. G. Wells recognized in his Outline Of History, only the concern of revolt among the legions, or danger of assassination, imposed any real restraints upon them.      During the centuries of relative peace and security enjoyed throughout the Mediterranean world through the imposition and efficient administration of Roman law and military enforcement: Roman society throughout Italy --- possessing an abundance of slaves to handle all the tedious work, and having begun relying on the conquered provinces and barbarian tribes in the frontiers to provide recruits for the Roman armed forces --- had become accustomed to the leisure, pomp, luxury, hand-outs, lavish spectacles and festive holidays their empire afforded them.       The well attended chariot races, gladiatorial contest to the death (featuring side shows of wild animals fighting each other, being hunted, or unleashed on helpless human victims), and theater performances (usually bordering on the risqué and pornographic) would suggest a large segment of the citizen population in Rome, and other large Italian cities, had now become nothing more then spectators. It appears the only purpose they had in life was to be entertained.         Overtime unrelenting social, economic and security pressures mounting on the imperial state system made it increasingly harder to hold the empire together. Some of the factors involved were: 1) The eradication of initiative among the Italian people. 2) The empire itself got a life of its own wherein Italy became just another component. 3) Excessive governmental interference and control (as state imposed regulations and penalties were enacted in the latter stage of imperial rule to insure the total servitude of Roman citizens to the empire, and its preservation. Since Rome itself didn’t have to pay taxes or provide recruits for the army, the capitol city was exempt from enforcing these measures. Later Constantinople received the same privileges.      The heavier tax burden lead directly to the financial collapse of the middle class in the western Roman provinces. It was all these repressive rules and mandates, generating massive governmental oversight and control of the empire that, at least in the western half of the empire, had sapped the allegiance of its citizens). 4) Rather then conscript reluctant citizens, it became easier for the state to employ German barbarians to defend the western empire from the barbaric German hordes outside. 5) While continuing to pacify the idol mobs in larger cities with entertainment and carnivals at great expense. 6) The ultimate failure to prevent the division of the empire.
By 400 AD the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire had become a separate dynasty ruled from Constantinople. While Ravenna (in northern Italy) replaced Rome in 402 AD as capitol of the Western Roman Empire, whose territories became increasingly vulnerable to migrating German tribes.      The Western Roman Empire’s inability to handle hordes of barbarians crossing its borders into the western provinces and either wrecking havoc, or settling vast territories and usurping rather then submitting to Roman authority, was evident. This despite the fact that German barbarians who took up residence in Spain, France, Italy, and the region of North Africa west of Egypt, totaled at most 12% of the population, if ever that.      The base of power inside the western empire’s central administration was shifting from the seat of Augustus to military commanders of Germanic descent. By this time in history the western Roman army consisted primarily of German troops. The emperors themselves couldn’t be anything but weak, because a strong central government, or the foundation for an efficient and responsible one, did not exist.      Since there was no thriving middle class to stimulate economic growth in the cities, commerce and industry no longer existed. At least on any scale sufficient enough to generate enough tax revenue to maintain a functioning centralized government apparatus in the west. The vast estates of wealthy landowners were developing into  self-sustaining communities of moneyless tenant farmers, or being confiscated by the barbarians. Everywhere political power and security is increasingly being re-defined at the local level. For all practical purposes the imperial state system in the west was kaput.      To keep up the charade Roman officials were able, by taking advantage of the German barbarians terrifying fear of the Huns, to convince German chieftains into forming a loose federation under nominal Roman leadership. But once the threat of the Hun had passed, the federation (and with it the western empire) fell into shambles.      In 476 AD Rome’s hired troops of German mercenaries seized control of the government of the Western Roman Empire at Ravenna. Rather then assume command of an empire being carved up among various German chieftains, administered rule only over the newly formed kingdom of Italy. Having put in charge as kng, a barbarian general who was more compliant in giving them deeds to land in Italy as payment for their military service. Thus bringing Roman imperial rule in the west to an official end.        After the fall of Rome, the empire it had established continued to exist in the east at Constantinople for another 1,000 years. After collapsing in the west, the former western Roman provinces dissolved into feudal lordships and barbarian kingdoms that, sooner or later, coalesced into powerful European monarchies reigning over nation-states.
The Holy Roman Empire
In 1957 formation of the European Common Market (or Community) was conceived by the treaty of Rome and given birth in Brussels, Belgium on January 1st, 1958, consisting of six member nations; West Germany (who in 1990 absorbed former Communist East Germany creating a single Germany), the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Italy.       After agreeing to a policy of enlargement; Britain, Denmark and Ireland were granted admission and joined on January 1st, 1973, as the original six became the group of nine. Students of Bible prophecy began viewing this development as perhaps the beginning of the ten nation revived Roman Empire foretold of in the Bible that would appear at the end of the age.      In May 1978, headquartered in Strasbourg France, the long sought for dream of a European Parliament became reality. On January 1st, 1981 Greece became nation number 10 to enter the European Community. And there it was! Oh wait a minute. Spain and Portugal were then granted admission and joined the club on January 1st, 1986. In 1993 the Maastrick treaty for deeper unification was ratified, as the European Community officially became the European Union. On January 1st, 1995 the borders of the EU widened with the admission of Austria, Finland and Sweden.        On May 1st, 2004 ten more nations; the Greek part of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia  joined the European Union in its single biggest expansion ever. Bulgaria and Romania became EU members on January 1st, 2007. And Croatia was admitted July 1st, 2013.       Then swinging the other direction, British citizens voted on June 23rd, 2016 to pull the United Kingdom out of the European Union. The UK’s exit from the EU became official January 31st, 2020.      Yet the Bible makes it quite clear that when the Antichrist emerges as a great world leader, he would do so through a ten nation unit and not from a union of 27 countries. Also the EU as a club has not been able to coordinate a common foreign policy agenda. Considered a major weakness by those who had hoped that a unified Europe could serve as an effective counterweight to America on the world stage.       Although steps have been taken to try and give this political and economic union of some twenty plus European nations a greater, more influential voice in world affairs, in all probability the EU is just going to be a bigger more encumbered organization.      In both the books of Daniel and the Revelation scriptures imply -- in correlation with world history and current events -- that at the time of the end, another world power would emerge from inside the territorial boundaries of the ancient Roman Empire in the form of a ten nation Western European coalition, referred to as the revived Roman
Formation Of Europe After WWII
listed ten members of the former Western European Union). According to scripture (Revelation 17:12,13) the heads of government of these ten nations, shall distribute their political authority in certain areas of operations to a single individual.      I speculate this end time formation of ten West European nations will remain committed to NATO and strongly allied with the United States. But rather then sovereign European governments acting independently of each other in external foreign relations and military matters, the Ten will agree to work as a single unit to co-ordinate and sustain common ’foreign and military’ policy decisions within NATO.      The members of this ten nation confederation will retain their separate national identities and sovereignty in the European Union and at the United Nations. But in the confines of NATO they will no longer operate as individual government entities, but as the Ten or Western European Union. Especially after the Rapture of the Church when the heads of government of these ten nations select a top executive, who will be granted specific powers, to run this multi-national organization.         This would also signify the leadership of the western world will shift from the United States of America to the future leader of this ten nation European coalition. In Revelation 17:10 (-14) it was revealed to the Apostle John, that world history would witness the rise of eight premier world powers. By John’s day five had already come and gone; Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece, while the sixth - Rome - was firmly set in place. In this modern era that has witnessed the United States of America emerge from the second world war a global superpower, and the strongest nation in the history of the world, we have been living in the days of the seventh.      According to John’s prophecy this seventh world power on earth would only cover a brief span of time (in contrast to how long ancient Rome exerted its authority over the Mediterranean world, and making it clear this 7th power was not referring to the British Empire that lasted from the early 1600’s to the mid 20th century, but being more in comparison with Babylon whose position on top lasted only seventy two years). It seems America's preeminence in the world since World War II is not destined for any lengthy duration, and would signal the United States is now at the tail end of its tenure.        The scripture implies the necessity for the United States to have become a great economic and military world power on earth, and stay in that position for a precise length of time. After the second world war, America provided the massive assistance needed to aid in Western Europe's recovery, turn Japan into a democratic, capitalistic society, keep the former Soviet Union and the spread of Communism in check, and help assure the survival of Israel.
Identifying The Seventh World Power
.                Although U.S. dominance in the world would be short lived, as long as President Trump was in office, the good ole USA would stay the premier world power on earth. At least this president had America’s back for a change.       Joe Biden has shown his intent to work against America’s best interest. Shutting down the pipeline, the mess he made opening the southern border, his Afghanstan fiasco, the inflation/recesin caused by Biden;s reckless economic policies, weaponizing the DOJ and FBI, spent billions financing the Ukraine-Russian war he help pushed, . main suspect in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline explosion, and mandates pressuring people to receive a very dangerous experimental vaccine that leaks. Click                  Make no mistake God appointed Donald J. Trump to be elected President November 8th, 2016. So if Hillary Clinton wanted to blame someone who was actually responsible for her defeat, she should have blamed God. And make no mistake President Trump was re-elected Nov 3rd, 2020 in a landslide victory. It required massive voter fraud in key battleground swing states to steal the election and put Biden in the White House.      If this election stands then judgment has come to America. But Jesus will snatch away his people from earth before the worst comes.      The Rapture will occur at the date God has set no matter what. I believe anyway  Trump wIll have been reinstated or else re-elected president when that event happens. But if Biden is still in office or whoever is next in line to become president after the Rapture will play a subservient role to the Antichrist.                  Previouly subtitled ‘the Heir-Apparent’. A famous member of European royalty will rise to power replacing the President of the United States as leader of the free world. This royal official will be the coming prince (or political leader) of Daniel 9:24-27, who is the king described in Daniel 11:36-39.       Now this term ‘prince’ in the King James version does not mean the heir-apparent son of a king or queen as I had mistakingly implied beforehand, but means (as other Bible versons accurately renders it) a ruler or leader. It is the same Hebrew word      {naw-geed} applied earlier in that passage to the Messiah. But Jesus was never a royal prince or heir to the throne. He was anonted of God the King of Israel from his birth.       Although his stepfather’s ancestry is traced in the gospel of Matthew; Jesus was born to the royal house of David through his mother, whose genealogy is traced in the gospel of Luke. Jesus was designated king through Mary’s bloodline.       Similiar circumstances would surround another king in Europe. Satan’s clever imitation and substitute Messiah whom scriptures refer to as; the little horn (Daniel 7), man of sin (or lawlessness) & son of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3), the beast (Revelation 13:1), and by his most infamous designation the Antichrist (1 John 2:18).
Of European Royalty
Revelation chs 17 & 18 -- which speaks of the political, religious and commercial systems associated with the ancient city of Babylon -- may in part refer to an actual woman. Perhaps a future female Secretary General at the U.N., or some top E.U. lady official, or future woman president of the United States. But if this were the case then more likely it would be a woman appointed to head a U.N., or some other internationally sponsored conglomerate of all the world’s religious organizations.      A kind of high priestess of a global new age cult who is able to bring together the governing bodies and religious leadership of the Catholic and Orthodoxc Church, Protestant denominations, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, moderate [Mecca style] Islam (in contrast to the jihadist [Medina style] Islam), and the various New Age, neo-pagan, and voodoo religions, as a catalyst to control the agenda of world governments. And guide the nations, through Aquarius Spiritual Enlightenment, into a politically correct zombieistic utopia promoting the acceptance of different beliefs and lifestyle choices.       Although this already seems to be a trend whether some organization or person takes charge of this movement and propels it forward or not. This mystery Babylon religion is destined to emerge as a powerful political machine whose clout reaches worldwide. Interestingly enough, in February 2008, the quest to forge a one world religion may have gotten an extra boost of momentum, or at least a blueprint.       Upon stepping down as the Mayor of Rome in an unsuccessful bid to run for the head of the Italian government: Walter Veltroni announced that he had discussed with the then Pope Benedict XVI and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon a plan to create a palace of religions, where religious organizations could assemble together in a format similar to the United Nations.       Proposing to join the world’s religions by building an edifice in Rome where representatives of all religious faiths from all countries could gather and hold discussions. Israel's former Prime Minister and elder statesmen, the late Shimon Peres, pitched a similar proposal to Pope Francis during a meeting at the Vatican September 4th, 2014. But such a plan isn’t really new.        First showing up Genesis 11 at the tower of Babel project (where self-expression gave vent to a burst of technology) as Noah’s descendants, having lost sight of God’s providence, began to rely on their own human reasoning. After migrating to the region of Shinar in modern day Iraq, and bound together by a common language, mankind first attempted to establish a world state, or one world order, through the unifying force of organized religion. This spiritual outburst led them to construct an edifice (the world’s
Foundation Of A World Religion?
Mystery babylon
Mystery babylon
Historical Perspective
since ancient times has been derogatorily nicknamed the whore, and sits on seven hills), the sprawling area of Los Angeles (originally a small Spanish town whose lengthy name in Spanish was translated “the City of our Lady, the Queen of the Angels:, and the center of global politics New York City, will all share the same tragic fate minus ancient Babylon which will nevere be rebuilt.       Also Berlin, Cairo (that was actual named Babylon in Jesus’ day), Paris, Rio de Janeiro (which is situated on seven mountains), and any other city competing to become earth’s ultimate queen city: Babylon the great. But because of what’s located there the unofficial capitol of the world today is Manhattan (the original New York City and now one of five boroughs that makes up New York City), and why Manhattan, recognizable by the crowd of tall buildings, could be end time Babylon.        Meeting in San Francisco at the end of World War II the leaders of fifty countries, in the hopes of establishing lasting peace and stability on earth, created the United Nations in 1945. The UN -- after receiving prime New York City real estate donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr., and securing interest free loans from the U.S. government -- constructed a high rise building, an assembly hall, and convention center along Manhattan’s East River. Completed in 1952 this building complex has served as the organization’s main headquarters ever since.      Consisting of six major organs and numerous agencies and committees, the UN’s most prominent bodies are the General Assembly (whose membership includes all the nations of the world) and Security Council (the UN’s most powerful organ). Membership into the Security Council is limited to 15 nations at a time. Five of whom; America, Britain, China, France and Russia are permanent members, and hold a more powerful voting position. The other ten nations are elected by the General Assembly and sit on the council for a period lasting two years. Each year half of them are replaced by five new members. The Security Council meets in a special chamber located in the UN’s convention center called the Conference Building.      Brazil, Germany, India, Indonesia, and Japan, have been pushing to join the big five on the Security Council as permanent members. It’s possible a deal may be reached where both Germany and Japan -- because of their sizable financial assistance that helps maintain the massive bureaucratic apparatus of the UN -- will attain permanent status first. If this were to happen it would raise the number from five to seven, a very prominent number in Bible prophecy. But if there is any prophetic significance to this at all, then the quest of other nations to become permanent members on the Security  Council would be delayed and never materialize. Mystery babylon
Mystery babylon
The U.N., Big Brother, & World Government
Although the tools are there to allow government agencies to conduct massive electronic snooping operations --- spy satellites & drones, surveillance cameras, hi-tech listening and audio recording devices, satellite navigational GPS equipment, radio frequency identification ‘smart’ tags, facial and voice recognition, and the programming speed by which computers can retain, sort and output information --- and are getting more capable.       I don’t believe the New World Order will quite reach the pervasive or intrusive proportions described in the last few paragraphs. Only because, according to Bible prophecy, a core group of European and American leaders will agree to utilize or hi-jack the New World Order to install a world dictatorship, by imposing worldwide economic and religious controls that will ignite World War III.        Now we can see characteristics of this Orwellian New World Order emerging such as; development and application of surveillance technologies, instant worldwide communication systems, an increasingly cashless society, and greater emphasis on global management of the earth. If the United Nations were retooled into a stronger political institution, this could conceivably mean New York City is Babylon the great. That mighty end time city foretold of in the Bible (if the reference is to a single city). And what better choice to be end time Babylon then what is generally regarded as the greatest city on earth.      That is unless of coarse the United Nations decided to pull out of New York City and relocate its headquarters to Rio de Janeiro, or London, or some city in the Middle  east. Then the focus of Bible prophecy would change dramatically.         It's generally believed Revelation ch 18, summed up in v. 18 "what [city] is like unto this great city", is referring to a specific city that would be recognized as the most prominent, financially powerful city of the end time world. I found it puzzling how any city could stand head and shoulders above other great cities like New York, Paris, London, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. No city like that existed, not even from among that bunch. And entering the 21st century there were few clues such a city lay over the horizon. My general take was this chapter is referring to the great cities of the world, and describes their destruction. Still is. But now there is a city that has the potential. Whether it can sustain that potential is another matter.      I first became aware -- through vehicles like the American TV news program ‘60 Minutes’ and National Geographic magazine -- of the spectacular rise of a city in the Middle East I knew nothing about being built by all this cheap manual labor from India. After news broke that Houston, Texas based Halliburton decided to move its corporate headquarters there, I felt strongly impressed to check out this city over the internet. Mystery babylon
Mystery babylon
Is This City End Time Babylon?
people’s attention to salvation, and the very soon appearing of Christ.            As end time ministers from street preachers to missionaries are anointed by Jesus   to minister in the power of God. Even laymen (Christians who are not members of the clergy or called into full time ministry) will receive visions, dreams or prophetic direction from God giving them specific assignments similar to the episode described in Acts 9:10-18. I’m convinced God’s selection of lay people for this type of supernatural ministry could be extensive. This promises to be the most powerful release of the Spirit of God on earth in church history.       But this great end time move of God will be short lived climaxed by the Rapture,  Based on the Jewish Date Scenario p 42, the Rapture would most likely occur in 2025 if not sooner.               Yet the gospel message will still remain the same; that in Jesus Christ, God and mankind are reconciled. The sins of the whole world have been canceled. And the records listing all accounts of evil and transgression, charged against us by Satan, were nailed to the cross with Jesus as paid in full.      Before all the teeming masses on earth, the door of grace has now been thrown wide open by God with the promise of life in this present age (or what little precious time of it remains), and forever after. Now all can enter freely to obtain eternal salvation, peace of mind, gladness of heart, freedom from guilt and fear, divine physical healing, the protective shield of angels to safeguard you and loved ones from accidents and danger, and wisdom to deal successively with the affairs of life.      Promises made available to all through a new life of faith found in Jesus Christ. If you have ever looked into the Bible then you know that God, more then anything else, wants you to be blest and carefree in life; enjoying financial prosperity, vibrant health and emotional well-being, during your stay here on earth (3 John 1:2). It certainly isn’t his will that you and anyone else be sick, poor or downtrodden. For scripture reveals he delights to give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4,5; John 10:10), so that everyone who desires can live a joyous, healthy and rewarding life.        For God not only wants us to enjoy heaven forever in the sweet bye & bye, but to also give us a big slice of heaven on earth in the here and now. That's God's plan for your life. While Satan wants to make everyone’s life on earth a miserable, living hell. Then send all those who did not receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior straight to hell when they die. That's Satan's plan for your life.       For the gospel (good news) of Christ proclaims a message of victory over the powers of hell and Satan, and liberation from all the defeats, worries and unhappiness prevailing  in the world. That men, women and children need no longer be held captive in the
The Good News
prisons dungeons and torture chambers of satanic bondage. Tormented and terrorized by demons with gruesome or unpleasant imaginations, self-defeating thoughts, hopeless frustration, dark depression, anxiety pressures, financial woes, health problems, or the fear of disease.      Therefore to successively combat these demonic forces and negative influences on earth after he had gone to heaven, the Son of God established his Church on this planet. Having equipped its members with the authority invested in the name of Jesus, with the victory freeing truths of God’s holy word the Bible, and with the supernatural anointing of the Holy Ghost.        There will arise a last day army of believers who shall advance forward in the triumph of Christ demolishing the strongholds of darkness. As this end time Church, armed with tremendous spiritual firepower, smashes through the very fortresses of hell on earth. Setting multitudes of people free from the captivity of Satan. Bursting their bonds of want and affliction asunder.      So if your dreams of happiness, prosperity and success are not coming true, and you can sense some kind of unseen force of hindrance and opposition hitting against you, trying to discourage and frustrate you, you can be sure it is demonic interference. But know that according to the word of God, you can become a big winner in this contest called life, beating the tar out of the devil, instead of letting him beat the tar out of you.         That serpent to whom Adam had turned over the rulership of earth that he, the first man, had received from God in a legally binding contract, probably lasting for a span of anywhere between seven to ten thousand earth orbits around the sun. All this woe and sorrow on earth because Adam committed high treason in the garden of Eden, and sold us out to Satan. This occurred after Adam submitted to his wife, and ate of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The one tree that only Adam alone was commanded by God not to eat of (Genesis chs 1-3).      And upon Adam’s first deadly bite, the perfect human nature of our first parents turned into a sin nature satanic in origin. And at that moment --- their spirits torn away from God, as if someone had turned off the light switch deep inside them, and everything went void and dark --- both Adam and Eve died a spiritual death.       Adam’s disobedience brought into play a new reality upon the earth, the aging process of time. And set in motion the ruling law of sin and [spiritual] death submersing mankind in fear. The spiritual force that ensnares the human race in the grip of Satan.
The Evil One Takes Charge
why does he allow all this evil and harm to come about in the first place? Well actually      he doesn’t. We do. We are more responsible for what happens on this planet and what effects us personally then God is.        For it is either ignorance, defiance or unbelief concerning what the word of God says in the Bible, that allows Satan to hold sway over cultures and societies, and shipwreck people’s lives. And making negative or discouraging remarks that affirms pessimistic expectations of failure and defeat, or having a bad report, energizes the operations of Satan. Whereas making positive uplifting statements affirming optimistic expectations of success and victory, or having a good report, sets in motion the law of God that releases his blessings and power. Jesus said,’ God makes his sun to shine on the good and the evil” (Matthew 5:45).      The difference between success and failure, of living a victorious life or a defeated life, is dependent on what you believe and confess about your specific and overall situation. Jesus said “. . . .  if you do not doubt in your heart but believe that what you say will come to pass, you will have [manifested] whatsoever you say [positive or negative]” KJV. This is similar to the law of gravity. Doesn’t matter who you are if you jump up, your coming back down. This law works for everybody. Your words will either put into motion spiritual laws and forces that work in your favor and put you over, or else set in motion spiritual laws and forces that work against you and keep you down.       If you are someone who has a tendency of anticipating the worst and believing something bad is going to happen, then according to what Jesus said, if you keep confessing that junk, then that is what is being programmed to materialize. If things are not going your way and you want to improve your situation, then change what you been believing for and saying. It's much more productive to say things like, “I’m believing God to shape circumstances in my favor”, “I expect good things to happen to me and come my way”, “I’m assured of success in whatever I undertake to do”, and other statements like it, such as confessing health rather then sickness, prosperity instead of poverty, and that’s what will start showing up. Guide the direction and destiny of your life with positive affirmations of faith. The last line in Psalm 23 KJV reads, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”                      Faith originates from a powerful inner belief mechanism God has installed inside us, enabling us to believe beyond our current physical reality.      Whenever you get into your vehicle to go someplace, you expect to reach your
Affirmation Of Faith
What Is Faith
When Jesus first came to earth, he successfully overthrew Satan from his position of authority. Satan’s defeat, wrought by the Son of God, is now an established spiritual law that cannot be altered or overturned. And Christ has deputized his churches with the legal authority to arrest the powers of darkness on earth and shut down their operations. For the responsibility of enforcing this spiritual law against demonic spirits operating on this planet has been given to the people.       Not only churches; but nations, cities, and schools can now uphold this law through prayer to restrain demonic activity. But if the people are in darkness or don’t believe, then this revelation does them no good, and Satan is the one ruling over them (2 Corinthians 4:4). Nevertheless, after his resurrection, Jesus was given all authority in heaven and earth. Jesus then turned around and delegated his authority on earth to its human inhabitants, by granting us the free right to use his name.      Now the people have the legal authority to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, which empowers those who believe to act and operate in the authority of the man that name represents. The name of Jesus not only grants believers authority with God, but also gives us direct authority over Satan. The Bible makes it quite clear Satan's intention toward God's creation is to devour and wreck havoc. By this aforementioned authority, the people now possess the legal standing to resist and bind Satan, and to reign over the affairs and circumstances of life. For these evil spiritual personalities can only succeed, where the inhabitants on earth are not enforcing the victory, Jesus Christ won for us, over these demonic entities, whom he so thoroughly defeated.       For God can only intervene with matters regarding this universe, including our planet, through the authority of Jesus Christ. For when Jesus triumphed over the kingdom of  darkness through his blood sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead, God was then freed from all legal obligation in having to recognize Satan’s jurisdiction over planet Earth, as had to be done when the book of Job was recorded.        In other words the judgments of God, in accord with the strict demands of divine justice, must now recognize Jesus' authority in heaven and earth above all others. And Jesus legally delegated his authority on earth to the people by given us the free right to invoke his name when we pray and utter directives. The use of his name enables the God of heaven to hear and answer our prayers, and uphold our right to take dominion over demon spirits when it comes to matters regarding this planet, and our own personal state of affairs. But unless we exercise our authority in Christ to resist and bind the powers of darkness on earth, then God has no other legal means to move on the scene, or render judgment in our favor, until Adam's lease expires. (Learn more watch Kenneth Hagin’s 3 part vedio series The Believer’s Authority:                     ).
Authority In The Name Of Jesus
Chapter 4
And this know too! Some kind of invisiable force that operates in the spirit realm, energized by the powers of darkness, that sends the unsaved dead hurling down pits of darkness into the inferno regions below. There demonic beings take hold of and cast the spirits of people who have died, and did not receive God’s gift of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, into the fires of hell. God doesn’t condemn anyone to that awful place of damnation. Satan does.      But the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:8-13, that Jesus is the Lord of salvation, and they who believe God raised Jesus from the dead are made righteous with God. So whoeverd confess Jesus Lord unto salvation, and believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, or just ask “Lord Jesus save me”,or “I confess Jesus Lord unto salvation”, shall be saved.       It’s upon this confession and belief that the Lord of salvation Jesus now becomes their Savior, God becomes their spiritual Father, and they become a new creation. As their spirit, being dead in sin, is miraculously resurrected by the power from on high and made alive unto God. What is commonly referred to as being born again (John 3:1-21;  2 Corinthians 5:17;  1 Peter 1:23;  2 Peter 1:4).      For in the mold that human parents reproduce after themselves by bringing forth new life through the birth of their children. And animals do the same after their kind. So God reproduces after himself by bringing forth eternal life through the new birth of our spirit man, as we become the born again sons and daughters of God.      The spirit of man, from where intuition springs and conscience speaks, lies in the inner self and is the real you. The ghostly part of man which possesses a soul, and resides in a physical body. By our spirit we cantact the supernatural and moral realms of the spirit world. through our soul he intellectual and emotional realms of the mental world, and with our body the material and natural realms of the physical world.       Now the spirit dies --- though not in the sense of the inner man, the real you, actually ceasing from existence, for the human spirit will exist in a conscious state forever.      But --- in the sense of having become dead to God. This condition having derived from the original sin of Adam’s transgression.      A single act of disobedience, occurring in the garden of Eden, that has brought spiritual death upon the human race over the centuries. Causing mankind’s tragic separation from God, and bringing the human race under the spiritual authority of Satan. Therefore it would do eternally well for all to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for that spiritual new birth unto everlasting life. Not only qualifying them for heaven, but also making them available to receive the wonderful baptism of the Holy Spirit here on earth.
Damnation Or Salvation
Usually a believer comes into this glorious infilling of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands by other previously Spirit-filled Christians, as pictured in the book of Acts, and always with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Even as the Holy Spirit gives one the ability, and their born again spirit speaks to and worships God by uttering phrases in a different unlearned language (1 Corinthians 12-14). “For with stammering lips and another tongue will be speak unto his people. To whom he said, This is the rest by which ye may cause the weary to rest, and this is the refreshing.”  Isaiah 28:11,12 (Mark 16:16,17).        The initial impact of being baptized into the Holy Spirit hits people in different ways. For some it’s a very tranquil, serene experience as they are invigorated by the peace of God. With others a highly exuberant affair as the ecstasy of God explodes within them with waves of pleasure. Jesus likened the experience to spiritual fountains, or flowing rivers, of living waters springing up (being released, breaking loose) from the very pit of your stomach. Immersing the inner most depths of your being with, as Peter explained it, joy unspeakable (or beyond expression) and full of glory (John 7:37-39; 1 Peter 1:8). Filling up that inner gap within you that felt so empty.       Never again will you have to endure a dark emptiness residing deep inside you. But now a soothing peace and an abiding comfort, as the sweet presence and refreshing delight of the Holy Spirit makes his home inside you forever (Galatians 5:22,23).        After Adam’s fall, Satan became the god of this age and the prince (ruler) of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:1-3). The devil, having obtained the highest rank and power on earth, subjected the world’s operations, and system of doing things, under his controlling influence (2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2; John 12:31 & John 14:30).       The first time young people, after reaching the age of accountability, commits a sin (causing spiritual death--seperation from God), Satan becomes their spiritual father. When humans die a physical death; the departed spirits of those not born again in Christ are immediately taken captive by some unseen satanic force sending them feet first into a spiritual hole on earth. Going down a deep pit-like cavern to the bottom level as the ghost of the unsaved dead arrive at the gates of hell. Hearing, from within, the moans and wailings of torment. Seeing orange flames of fire leaping high above the walls.        Being apprehended by demonic jailers and imprisoned inside that horriable place. Remaining there, experiencing hell’s nightmartish reality, until the resurrection of the damned. When they, reunited with their physical bodies, are assembled before the Lord Jesus sitting on a white throne to judge those brought before him.
The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
The Age Of Grace
For the proceedings of this court, which shall take place at the end of time, will be convened on Satan's behalf. At this judgment the final verdict of a just God will be ruled in the devil’s favor. That all the vast multitudes of humanity gathered here whose names are not written in the book of life are legally Satan’s possession, and must now be handed over to him as demanded. So billions of human beings will be plunged into a lake (or ocean) of fire and brimstone to join Satan forever in his final place of residence (Isaiah 66:24; Matthew 25:41; Revelation 21:11-15). But the best news of all time!!! You don’t have to follow Satan into his eternal damnation if you don’t want to. Declare Jesus, who is the Lord of salvation, the Lord of the New Covenamt, as your Lord and Savior whom God resurrected from the dead and be born again.      During this period of grace, people are saved by grace through belief apart from having to perform good works of self-righteousness to win God’s approval or obtain salvation. If anyone accepts Jesus as their Savior -- who came to save the lost from Satan’s power -- then, upon physical death, that person’s ‘divinely born’ spirit cosses over to the other side. Entering the indescribable beauty and majestic splendor of heaven. Abiding there until the spirits of deceased Christian saints, now presently enjoying the wonders and delights of heaven, return with Jesus at the Rapture to be rejoined with their bodies, raised up from the grave in glorification and eternal power.        There is also a third abode. A spiritual plane that runs between life and death. Reports concerning clinical life after death experiences seems to in someway involve this place described as a corridor or tunnel of light. This could be associated in some way with what various Bible versions refer to as either the abyss or bottomless pit?      In relation, here is something to tantalize the mind concerning a European royal figure who, to the horror then utter astonishment of the entire world, will have one of those incredible life-after-death experiences. This will happen after being seriously wounded in an apparent assisination attemp, then makes a miraculous recovery after having been declared clinically if not legally dead (Revelation 11;7: 13;3,12; 17:8).       Unto whom Satan will propose the seat of world power and control he once made to Jesus, when he had offered Christ the throne of the mighty Roman Empire in the Judean wilderness almost 2,000 years ago. Presenting before this man in all its modern day glamor, technological splendor and armed might, the political leadership of the western world. He will accept the offer Jesus refused  (Luke 4:5-8; Revelation 13:3).      For within the pages of the Bible two men have been labeled the ‘Son of perdition’. An ominous term signifying -- as we might phrase it today -- one who by their actions have sold their soul to the devil.
The Son Of Perdition
Jesus put this tag on Judas Iscariot who, for thirty pieces of silver, betrayed him with a passionate lover’s kiss (Matthew 26:47-50; John 17:12; Acts 1:25; Psalm 109:6). The  Apostle Paul named the other to be the coming Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Of whom it is spoken in Isaiah 28:15,18 as being the human representative of death and hell. As the political leaders of Israel strikes a bargain with the devil through this man in exchange for peace and security.      This may somewhat explain why, that at the very close of this age, a European of notable position and rank (ultimately to be revealed as the infamous Antichrist), and another personality emerging from the land now called Israel (known in scripture as the False Prophet), will both be seized captive by the Lord Jesus at his 2nd coming and  thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This will occur a thousand years before the great white throne judgment takes place.      When the unsaved human dead are amassed before God at the end of time, and afterwards are thrown away into the lake of fire burning with sulfur. Where the Antichrist and False Prophet will have already been in residence for a thousand years.         In Titus 2:13 the Rapture is referred to as the Blessed Hope. In other words the Rapture is a hope event not a faith event. Since we have no idea what date the Rapture will occur, the general rule is; during your physical stay here on earth continue with any long range plans you have for the future, and keep pursuing your goals. But spiritually speaking if the Rapture does happen tonight or tomorrow or sometime in 2925, then your gonna be in it and outta here.        There are things set in stone. The Temple of God in Jerusalem will be rebuilt. But construction cannot begin at the temple site until after the Rapture. Also, according to Malachy’s famous prophecy of the popes, the last pontiff to head the Catholic Church before Rome is destroyed was elected Pope March 13th,2013. This means Pope Francis will be occupying the seat of Peter when the Rapture occurs.       Another factor that may play a role in the timing of the Rapture is whether Donald Trump is reinstated president or re-elected for a third time.  Also  King Charles turns.  77 on Novenber 14th, 2025.      I believe right before the Rapture a powerful surge of God’s spirit may be released in Europe, America and the rest of the world. Erupting in supernatural manifestations of divine power giving full expression to the charismatic movement, and hopefully breathing a breath of fresh life and renewal within the Catholic Church and  Protestant denominations, and set aflame within Charismatic/Pentecostal churches everywhere.
Getting Ready
For it was a charismatic church Jesus Christ established on earth in the first century AD. And it is a charismatic church Jesus has been reviving since the reintroduction of the baptism of the Holy Ghost in Topeka Kansas, when a young woman received this experience from the Lord one hour after midnight on January 1st, 1901, and began                   speaking in other tongues. From there the Pentecostal experience began spreading.             T  This latter rain outpouring of the Holy Ghost will get very intense as we get ever closer to the Rapture. Even amazing human encounters with the mighty and holy angels of God. If not appearing in ordinary human form, they are usually described as exotic spirit-beings of light usually standing at least seven feet tall whose appearance is that of muscular, bronzed young men in their twenties.      For there shall be people on earth who will actually view and communicate with these mighty beings, as the ministry of angels increases on this planet in these last days. Even Jesus will reveal himself to men through visions and dreams and visit with them. There have been accounts and claims of these things happening in recent times.      For it shall be that a last minute end time harvest of souls shall be reaped throughout the earth. As millions, who live in sin and defeat, behold the supernatural acts of God and experience the miraculous. Enlightenment to their lost condition will stir multitudes to confess Jesus Christ as Lord, answering salvation’s call. Receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, as they are filled with sublime joy and spiritual might.      Worshiping God in great jubilation. Their cup running over with spiritual, financial, and physical blessings. As the Holy Spirit brings these charismatic churches of various denominations together around the world into one great, mighty assembly of believers who have set their love and hopes on Jesus. Ardent and aglow in the fire of the Holy Spirit. As they get ready to meet the Lord in the sky, and be taken away to heaven.         For students of Bible prophecy, here is something fascinating to wonder about. The first Zionist convention to set up a Jewish homeland in Palestine took place August    29th -31st, 1897 in Basel,Switzerland. 20 years (2 months, 2 days) later the Balfour declaration vowing British support of a Jewish state in Palestine was issued. Then 50 years (8 months, 14 days) later Israel became a nation. Then 69 years (9 months, 7 days) later Israeli troops captured East Jerusalem. From the date the Balfour declaration was issued (Nov 2nd, 1917), Israel became a nation 30 years (6 months 12 days) later, and East Jerusalem was liberated 49 years (7 months, 5 days) later. And 19 years (24 days) after Israel’s rebirth (May 14th, 1948), the Holy City was liberated June 7th, 1967.
120 Years Since
physiques. For the rest of eternity the female saints will look like they did when they were 25 years old, except in a glorified state. The male saints 30 years old.                  And traveling distant light years through the starry frontier of space reaching heaven in probably just a matter of minutes. Speeding toward the dazzling brilliance of ethereal splendor peering through the portals of eternity. The incredulous emotion of that first blessed moment new arrivals enter the 3rd heaven, and gaze on the entrancing loveliness of paradise. Overwhelmed by the majesty and wonder and glory of it all! Drinking in staggering panoramic scenes of unimaginable celestial beauty immersed in a sacred and beautiful light that glistens with the splendor of God’s presence made visible. Set beneath a crystal blue sky of radiant jewel-like splendor.       According to various accounts and claims of eyewitnesses who have visited heaven down through the centuries and in recent times (by either a divine vision, or in clinical death situations, and especially with assistance of the biblical record), I gather it will all look somehow familiar. Yet matching the most majestic scenery and picture postcard images on earth to this, it would be like comparing a neck chain stringed with pebbles to a diamond necklace encrusted with rubies, sapphires and emeralds.      Heaven will be full of fascinating discoveries and thrilling new experiences. Noticing new colors, and tints and shades of familiar colors. never seen before; the deliciousness of fruits and succulent flavors of heavenly cuisine, even eating foods you enjoyed on earth; and experience the most wonderful emotions in a variety of intensely pleasurable moods. Each state of mind and feeling ignited by some location or experience producing its own distinct spiritual flavor.            For sheer size (of which I will not project), the vastness of the landmass reflecting all four seasons of earth is going to make quite an impression. (Although there are lakes, I haven't come across any reports of ocean-size bodies of water. Because liquid water in heaven possesses spiritual properties, they would not be saltwater oceans. If such seas exist don’t be surprised to look into the depths and view all kinds of marine life that once existed on earth swimming in the heavenly blue and aquamarine waters. Just dive right in and hang out with the whales, the dolphins, the manta rays and sea turtles. For in heaven it's just as natural to breath and talk underwater, and you will either dry off instantly, or not even get wet).       Able to instantly adjust your eyesight at will to see with amazing high powered telescopic vision, wherever your eyes wander across this celestial landscape, a picture of indescribable splendor will jump up at you. There will be mountains, forest, hills, meadows, exotic plants, flowers, ‘fruit, nut and spice bearing' trees, valleys, lakes, snow covered regions, and sandy beaches.
Arriving In Heaven